Do You Have a Strategy? Reopening Your Boutique

Being a Boutique Owner, you know all of the different challenges and obstacles you deal with on a daily basis, especially now.

As a Boutique Owner during Covid-19, you have had to make some pivots and do things a bit differently. Things are working out ok… but it could be better?

They could be with a really good Sales Strategy.

Do you have a sound Sales Strategy in place to ensure that you make it through this crisis ok and even better than before?

Here’s the third question you need to answer to ensure that you do:

Do I have a plan in place to increase traffic to my brick-and-mortar store once I am allowed to reopen?

In many states and cities, Retailers had been allowed to reopen their doors. Now with the recent spikes, stores had to shut down again or operate with tight restrictions. Depending on where you live and the type of store you are in, there are guidelines that you have to follow.

Some of these guidelines restrict the way your customers can shop and interact with you and your store. Do you have a plan to attract these shoppers back to your store?

This part of your business strategy is key to your future success. What you do now will affect how healthy your business is later.

This is where your MARKETING and COMMUNICATION skills come into play. You have to develop an overall reopening plan. Then you need to communicate to your customers:

Safety Precautions- What are the main CDC, State, and City guidelines that you are following to ensure everyone is safe? ( Masks, social distancing, etc.)

  1. Store Additions/Modification- What changes or additions have you made to your store to enhance safety for your customers AND your employees? ( People Counters to limit the amount of people in the store, cash wrap shields to protect your cashiers, etc.)

  2. Shopping Procedures-What will shopping in your store look like? ( Credit only, no fitting room use, etc.)

  3. Hours of Operation- Have your hours completely changed? If so, how?( Only open for 6 hours a day, only open in the morning, etc.)

  4. Available Services- Have you added or discontinued any services for your customer? ( Updated return policy, added curbside pick up, etc.)

Once you have a Reopen Strategy in place, you must also develop a plan on how to communicate this to your customers. Keeping them informed on all that you are doing during this time will keep your customers' loyalty and it will go a long way in stopping any unnecessary friction.

Ways to communicate your Updates could include:

  • Crafting targeted emails to your EMAIL LIST.

  • Posting informative posts on IG.

  • Doing weekly FB Lives to share what is going on with your store.

This simple step will not only help to engage with your customers it will serve as a marketing tool to show that your brand can be trusted and cares about your customers well being and speaks to the customers that are still on the fence about shopping with you.

By having a sound reopening plan, you will ensure that you give your Boutique it’s best chance to bounce back during and after this crisis thus staying...PROFITABLE!

To get more detailed information and guidance in reopening your store now or when you are ready, check out my “Ultimate Guide to Reopening your Store” course. It will walk you through strategies like this one and so much more so you are sure that you set your Boutique up for success and.. SALES!

Learn more here:

If you are not already open, you will be soon. If you are open, did you take care of all of these steps? Regardless of where your Boutique stands right now, you need a plan. Having this Reopen Strategy will ensure nothing is missed.. your customers remain loyal to your and continue to shop with you...and you don't leave any MONEY on the table by missing crucial sales because you weren't prepared!



Do You Have a Strategy?: Brick and Mortar vs Online Boutique


Do You Have a Strategy?: Your Online Store Sales Plan