Do You Have a Strategy?: Brick and Mortar vs Online Boutique

Being a Boutique Owner, you know all of the different challenges and obstacles you deal with on a daily basis.

As a Boutique Owner during Covid-19, you have had to make some pivots and do things a bit differently. Things are working out ok… but it could be better?

They could be with a really good Sales Strategy.

Do you have a sound Sales Strategy in place to ensure that you make it through this crisis ok and even better than before?

Here’s the fourth question you need to answer to ensure that you do:

Do I know the different Sales strategies needed to get results in my brick and mortar vs online?

In the past couple of posts, I talked about having a strategy for your Online Store and a strategy for your brick and mortar Boutique after reopening. This question addresses the need to have these strategies and do you know WHAT the different elements need to be?

The results of the strategies are the same… More TRAFFIC and more SALES. However, how you address each strategy is a little different.

For your Online Store

Attract clients through a sea of online competition: Get them to stop and scroll on your site.

  1. Retain these customers so they stay and shop on your site: Make sure your site is engaging and easy to browse through so customers don't get frustrated (or bored) and leave.

  2. Showcase your brand, products, and overall message in a short period of time AND in a concise and meaningful way: Make sure your brand and product shines through, not unnecessary text, distracting color themes and messages, with clear product descriptions.

  3. Have creative ways to showcase your product so it tells a story and doesn’t get boring: Keep your display techniques interesting, fresh, and different. Don't just use the same way to showcase your product or how you set up you webpages.

  4. Have seamless checkout experience: No Cart Abandonment! Make sure that they can find the following easily and quickly:

  • Price

  • Size

  • Color choices

  • Sold out or In Stock

  • Tax

  • Shipping

  • Return/Exchange Policy

  • Anything special or currently happening (I.e. extended shipping due to Covid-19, new customer service contact information, etc.)

For your Boutique

Attract customers on the street with engaging and compelling windows: I'll keep saying it, your windows are the "Soul of your Boutique". They tell passerby customers what you want them to know about you AND what you sell in a matter of seconds.

  1. Have a overall strategy to ensure that your store is safe to shop in: What additions, policy changes/updates, and safety precautions have to taken to ensure that customers know they are safe shopping with you. This also applies to your associates. They should feel safe coming back to work with you.

  2. Signage strategy to inform and engage with your customers: Communication is key during this time. Social Media and email should be point #1 for communicating your changes and updates to your customers. Having plenty of signs that communicate these same updates will be key to a seamless shopping experience. Also, communicate sales, New Arrivals, and brand/designer information with your signage.

  3. A floor plan that allows for ease of shopping AND keeps customers and employees safe: Make sure that your shop is set up so your customers can easily engage with your products and tells compelling stories. You also need to make sure Social Distancing and any other safety steps are added to your floor plan and are clearly marked.

  4. Highly trained sales staff to enhance customer engagement and experience: Your staff is so critical for your shop's success. They need to aware of ALL of your policy changes and brand updates. They need have a positive and upbeat attitude ready for whatever comes their way. They also need to be well trained in selling your product so the shopping experience stays smooth and positive.

  5. Seamless Cash Wrap and Check out policies and procedures: Make sure any updates or changes to your check out policies are clearly communicated so there isn't any confusion or friction for your customers. You don't want to have steps 1-5 nailed to perfection and ruin the sale because you upset your customers at check out.

Some of the key elements of a good Sales Strategy can be used to accomplish both of these lists, but there are also many various parts that only apply to one or the other.

You need to take the time to come up with how your Overall Strategy will address each of these points ( and any more that you come up with) so both parts are ready to serve your customers and make….SALES!!

Have questions on how to craft your strategies or need a sounding board? Go to this link and schedule a quick chat with me to go over your Strategy or anything challenge you may be having in your business right now and you just need some direction.



How To Attract Customers to Your Store


Do You Have a Strategy? Reopening Your Boutique