Do You Have a Strategy?: Your Brand

Hey guys! Being a Boutique Owner, you know all of the different challenges and obstacles you deal with on a daily basis.

As a Boutique Owner during Covid-19, you have had to make some pivots and do things a bit differently. Things are working out ok… but it could be better?

They could be with a really good Sales Strategy.

Do you have a sound Sales Strategy in place to ensure that you make it through this crisis ok and even better than before?

Here’s the first question you need to answer to ensure that you do:

Do I know exactly who I am as a brand and how every aspect of my online and offline presence reflects this?

This question speaks to making sure you convey to your customers WHO you are. This might sound obvious and simple. You could be saying to yourself “ I KNOW who I am”.

This may be true….but do your customers know?

How you portray yourself online and in your brick and mortar Boutique says everything about:

Are you modern, crisp, clean, and minimal?

  • What do you stand for?

  • What do you sell?

  • What messages do you want your customers to know about you and your brand?

  • Who your target customers are.

Are you loud, trendy, bold, and a bit of a rebel?

Is your product very high quality and made overseas? Or is it relatively inexpensive but durable?

Do you want to attract business professionals making 6 figures or are you here for that party girl that is living life to the fullest?

These are the kinds of questions that you really need to sit down and ask yourself. Once you know the answers to these questions, you can start to make sales, merchandising, and marketing Strategies that align with the answers.

The more dialed in on who you REALLY are as a brand and WHO your serve, the more clear all of your messaging will be…. Keeping you a step ahead of your competition.

Which means...


Homework: Take an hour and sit down to answer all of the above questions. Really look inside yourself to see what you like about yourself, why you started your Boutique, why you sell what you sell, and who you REALLY want to attract and serve. Once this is done, you will understand YOUR brand and what your brand stands for. This will be the foundation of EVERY Strategy you develop in the future.

In future posts, we will go over these must-needed strategies to improve every aspect of your Boutique.

Have an online boutique and struggling to make consistent sales or do you keep suffering from the dreaded "Cart Abandonment"? Need some help to ensure that your online store attracts and retains the right customers so you get sales on a regular basis? Then you need my FREE training Top 5 Merchandising Secrets for an Online Store that Sells. In this free training, you will learn the top 5 strategies that you need to know to attract customers, keep them engaged on your site, have a site that stands out from the rest, and make...SALES! Go here to check out this FREE Resource!



Do You Have a Strategy?: Your Online Store Sales Plan


Do You Have a Strategy?